29 Aralık 2014 Pazartesi

Macmillan English Grammer Page 168-169

Exercises 1

a.It is correct.

b.After I had left the room , the telephone rang.

c.After I had lost my money , the conductor wouldn't give me a ticket.

d.While I was falling asleep , there was a loud knock at the front door
e.It is correct.

f.It is correct.

g.When I opened the box , it turned out to be empty.

h.It is correct.

i.Having been asked my name , I was taken to meet the prime minister.

j.By the time I was arrived at the station , the train had already left.

Exercise 2

a.Although feeling dizzy , Sarah managed to play on until the end of the match.

b.Being a powerful swimmer , George reached the island in less than hour.

c.Without waiting for a reply , the mysterious stranger vanished into the night.

d.It being a friday , everyone in the office was in a good mood.

e.While working across the field , Rita noticed something glittering by the path.

f.Abandoned by its owner , the old dog sat by the side of the road and howled.

g.Though shocked by what he had seen , Martin tried to keep calm.

h.There being no chance of escape , the two men gave themselves up to the police.

j.If using a fan-assisted oven , reduce cooking time by halfan hour.

i.By signing your name here, you  agree to the conditions listed below.

Exercise 3

The Galapagpos Island

a.Located near the equator , the Galapagos islands are a group of volcanic islands off the coast of Ecuador.b.Discovered by Spanish colonists in 1535 , and firstly c.showed on maps in about 1570 , the islands were rarely visited , d.being a haven for pirates. e. Having developed their own specilizations and escaped the attentions of predators common elsewhere , the Galapagos species had became unique and unafraid of people Passinng ships hunted seals and giant tortoises. Once f.got the tortoises were kept alive on ships for long periods and later eaten. After g.exposed near extinction ,few of these creatures remain today. h.Visited by the naturalist Charles Darwin in 1835 , the islands still have a close association with Darwinian theory , l.being thehome to many species isolated from the mainland.j.Discovered later that birds which differed from island to island were in fact the same species, Darwin used evidence from the Galapagos in the development of his theory of natural selection.Now k.known as part of a national park , the islands are popular with 'eco-tourists' . Efforts are cntinuing to save their wildlife.

Exercise 4

a.It being a public holiday , there was a lot of traffic  on the roads.

b.On opening the letter , I realized it was from Professor Alton.

c.Though destroyed by fire duriing the war, the palace was later reconstructed.

d.Tears streaming from her eyes , Carol walked from the room.

e.In trying to remove the memory card , I broke the camera.

f.Since using Glosso shampoo , my hair has become soft and shining.

g.Jan was taken to hospital being knocked down.

h.Having been shown to his room George lay down on the bed and slept.

Exercise 5

Restoring the sight of people blinded by macular degeneration , a condition of the eye , could start within five years , according to a British  team developing human eye stem cell implants.More than 500.000 people in the UK have blindness caused by macular degeneration, a disease marked by a loss of central vision due to degeneration of  the macula, a spot at the back of the eye.Having been given almost E4 million towards the cost of developing a stem cell therapy by an anonymous philanthropist, a team from two British universities are starting to conduct trials. Commenting on the project , a spokesman for the team told us: ' affecting up to one third of the population , this condition is a major cause of blindness , so a new  kind of treatment is vital. In previous operations , having transplanted patient's own eye, we have seen about 25% of patients report improvement.However , creating new eye cells grown in the laboratory from human embroys will be much more effective.

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