30 Aralık 2014 Salı

Reflection Task 2B

In this reflection you will get some information about my favorite TV serial 'Moder Family'. Created by Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan, Modern Family which has been broadcasted from 2009 is a kind of  comedy serial.Moreover, it  is a mockumentary and in some of its scenes actors speak directly to the camera.As understood from the title, family which is shown in the serial is modern and director tries to reflect good model of the todays family. In this serial there are three different families in terms of relation between couples. In the first family there is a man 'Jay' who is married with a young woman 'Gloria' who has a son 'Many' from her ex-husband.Jay and Gloria love each other.Jay acts as if he is biological father of Many. He doesn't behave like a bad step father to Many.In second family parents are Claire daughter of Jay and Phil.They have three children whose names are Haley, Alex and Luke and although these children are totaly diffrent from each other in character Claire and Phil are good , supportive and idealist parents.They tries to do best for their children and actually they can overcome domestic problems with their love.Last family consists of gay couple.Mitchell boy of Jay and Cameron adopt one girl from Vietnam. Other members of big family don't oppose their relation and adopted girl ;on the contrary, they support their adoption. That's why director calls the seeial 'modern' and tries to show modern and strong family bond.The first part of the serial was wathced 12.61 million people and later it has contiunes this success, also Modern Family is the favorite TV serial of Barack Obama.Moreover, this serial has won several Emmy Awards like Best Comedy Series,Best Supporting Actor Of  All Comedy Series, Best Supporting Actress Of All Comedy Series. Besides, it has Golden Globe Award. That's why I chosed this series.Whenever watch any of its part I absolutely laugh with laughter.It is really funny. I like its this point but I don't like few things ; for examlpe, society takes the gay couple normaly and this may encourage people to become like this couple because they are in a good communication and they are shown like that they have almost no problem in their relationship , everything is okay.Neverthless, all of them are respectful to each other and they support each other in bad times. They reflect real love with their smiles or hugs not with sexual scenes.It is suitable for people of all ages. This may be instructive with this aspect.I am still continuing to watch it eagerly and I advise all of you to watch it for fun.

                                         A FRAME FROM THE SERIES SET

29 Aralık 2014 Pazartesi

Reflection Task 2A

     When we shoot a glance , we can easily see that almost everybody checks their cell phones or laptops in order to sure whether they've got message, mail or notification  from ,which is unavoidable fact in our globalising world. Thus , we're under control of the social media.Some sites like facebook, twitter , instagram , youtube etc. have high importance for people ;that's why, I wanted to mention about this topic.

     Social media has powerful impacts on both people and society ;however , it has bad and good effects. Some bad sides are there : Social media invades our personal informations. Every second, thousands of people share their photos via the facebook , instagram and other sites but companies use these photos without permission.Not only companies do it but also some people use them for their profits. These sites creates huge sadness, loneliness, dissatisfaction because they block face-to face communication.People suppose that they are in good communication but one thing they do is socalled talking with technological devices. People are so addicted to social media that they any more put also their  every strange and stupid photos on facebook , twitter, instagram , whatsup . They are not aware of seriousness of this situation but this doesn't welcome by a lot of people. Many employers are already rejecting job applicants for this reason.In order to decrease rates of addiction to social media we put some limits ourselves.Instead following lots of sites people use  two or three of them.Other solution is instructive conferences can be given by psychologists and expert trainers to increase awareness of the importance of this situation.  On the other hand , social media have lots of positive effects. Marketing via social media is at the top. In every sites there are lots of online shop store, which stimulate the some markets.  People can make new friends around the world easily.If you are interested in some kind of music , play etc. you can find lots of groups or communities about them.If you are far away from your home , you have the chance to do video chat your family, friends. Moreover , much of what people need to know are available in there. To conclude , social media surrounds our lives and it is irreplaceable thing. Altough it causes some kind of bad habits or tiny psychological problems , it is important part of our life. What we need to is to be aware of its bad sides and be careful.




Macmillan English Grammer Page 168-169

Exercises 1

a.It is correct.

b.After I had left the room , the telephone rang.

c.After I had lost my money , the conductor wouldn't give me a ticket.

d.While I was falling asleep , there was a loud knock at the front door
e.It is correct.

f.It is correct.

g.When I opened the box , it turned out to be empty.

h.It is correct.

i.Having been asked my name , I was taken to meet the prime minister.

j.By the time I was arrived at the station , the train had already left.

Exercise 2

a.Although feeling dizzy , Sarah managed to play on until the end of the match.

b.Being a powerful swimmer , George reached the island in less than hour.

c.Without waiting for a reply , the mysterious stranger vanished into the night.

d.It being a friday , everyone in the office was in a good mood.

e.While working across the field , Rita noticed something glittering by the path.

f.Abandoned by its owner , the old dog sat by the side of the road and howled.

g.Though shocked by what he had seen , Martin tried to keep calm.

h.There being no chance of escape , the two men gave themselves up to the police.

j.If using a fan-assisted oven , reduce cooking time by halfan hour.

i.By signing your name here, you  agree to the conditions listed below.

Exercise 3

The Galapagpos Island

a.Located near the equator , the Galapagos islands are a group of volcanic islands off the coast of Ecuador.b.Discovered by Spanish colonists in 1535 , and firstly c.showed on maps in about 1570 , the islands were rarely visited , d.being a haven for pirates. e. Having developed their own specilizations and escaped the attentions of predators common elsewhere , the Galapagos species had became unique and unafraid of people Passinng ships hunted seals and giant tortoises. Once f.got the tortoises were kept alive on ships for long periods and later eaten. After g.exposed near extinction ,few of these creatures remain today. h.Visited by the naturalist Charles Darwin in 1835 , the islands still have a close association with Darwinian theory , l.being thehome to many species isolated from the mainland.j.Discovered later that birds which differed from island to island were in fact the same species, Darwin used evidence from the Galapagos in the development of his theory of natural selection.Now k.known as part of a national park , the islands are popular with 'eco-tourists' . Efforts are cntinuing to save their wildlife.

Exercise 4

a.It being a public holiday , there was a lot of traffic  on the roads.

b.On opening the letter , I realized it was from Professor Alton.

c.Though destroyed by fire duriing the war, the palace was later reconstructed.

d.Tears streaming from her eyes , Carol walked from the room.

e.In trying to remove the memory card , I broke the camera.

f.Since using Glosso shampoo , my hair has become soft and shining.

g.Jan was taken to hospital being knocked down.

h.Having been shown to his room George lay down on the bed and slept.

Exercise 5

Restoring the sight of people blinded by macular degeneration , a condition of the eye , could start within five years , according to a British  team developing human eye stem cell implants.More than 500.000 people in the UK have blindness caused by macular degeneration, a disease marked by a loss of central vision due to degeneration of  the macula, a spot at the back of the eye.Having been given almost E4 million towards the cost of developing a stem cell therapy by an anonymous philanthropist, a team from two British universities are starting to conduct trials. Commenting on the project , a spokesman for the team told us: ' affecting up to one third of the population , this condition is a major cause of blindness , so a new  kind of treatment is vital. In previous operations , having transplanted patient's own eye, we have seen about 25% of patients report improvement.However , creating new eye cells grown in the laboratory from human embroys will be much more effective.

23 Aralık 2014 Salı



Dear readers today I will mention Şahika Ercüman. She is a free-diving record holder.Şahika Ercüman born in Çanakkale in 1985 ;therefore,  she met with water at an early age. When she was twelf years old she join underwater team and then she took the first step to her career. Actually, she had an allergic asthma but whenever she dived she has never suffered.Water is he life. She graduated from Başkent University as a dietician.She has been interested in various underwater sports for fifteen years.She got the degree in Freediving World Championships in Spain and she  broke the record for  Turkey in 2006. In 2008 she has been third in Europe with Turkey Underwater Hockey National Team.She won the Turkey championship in free-diving branch in 2010.Şahika covered a distance of 110 meters with single breath  under the ice. Şahika has broken the Horizontal Diving World Record in both women and men  in Austria in 2011. Previous records for women and men were 70 and 108 meters. She has reached 70 meters in the branch of vertical diving in 10th November 2011 and on the same day she dived 60 meters without palette in this way she has broken two world records again.In this summer she won two world records again. She is very intelligent, successful and helpful woman and sportwoman. She manages lots of social responsibility project. In addition to the athletes personality, she is motivation and success speaker,TV shows server,advertising film and movie player,freediving ınstructor. I think she deserves being more recognized In addition to world record she has won more than hundred medals, several special awards, trophies, many of Turkey Record thanks to her diving passion.Moreover, she tries to actualize her trial runs and records in special waters. I think she will win more awards and world records in next years.

1 Aralık 2014 Pazartesi


The number of men and women in the US aged 60 or over still in work has been rising for more than a decade. Economists have given a number of reasons for this trend. First, since 1985, the US economy has been expanding so there has been an inreased demand for labour,. At the same time, the cost of some services, such as health care, has increased so workers need to earn more money in later life. In addition, changes in social securety benefits and rules have had a considerable effect on labour patterns. First, in 1977 and 1983 changes to the Social Security Act raised the full-benefit age from 65 to 67 and introduce other changes that make delaying retirement more attravtive. Then, in 1986 the Age Discrimination Act ended cumposary retirement for all workers, allowing them to work later in life. Changes to pension laws have encouraged workers to stay in employment longer, as this gives them more chances of a larger pension when they retire.


First of all, hi everybody!

Today, I will introduce myself,actually I will mention what I did in the last years , what I am doing now, what I do in my leisure time.This is my second year in METU and also in Ankara. I graduated from Suluova Anatolian Training Teacher High School before two years ago .It was the first time to come Ankara for me . Last year I was at preparatory school and I had lots of leisure time . I spared time for myself . I wandered so much in Ankara last year.Because  I want to travel so much I traveled on every occasion. I love my country so much ; thus, I want to see every corner of it before I get old.I went to Konya and I was fascinated.. Before two months ago I went to Bursa. Since I  went there with group, we had a guide and he was so knowledgeable about Bursa. I am keen on listening to music also. I enjoy listening both turkish and foreign music. Adele and Inna are my  favourite singers.I have been taking 'sayokan' which is a kind of martial art course for two months in METU. I am interseted in folk dance but I have no enough time for it. In real, at the beginning of the semester,  Zehra who is my classmate and I took one class. Unfortunately , we were so tired that we couldn't go again.To sum up I am not so social person but I try to develop myself and have a good time.






Macmillan Exercises page: 22

1.Born in 1948, he spent much of his childhood abroad as his father was an army officer,
2.He studied English literature and creative writing at  the universities of Sussex and East Anlia.
3.He has written a number of successful collections of short stories and novels.
4.His novel The Child in Time won  the Whitbread  Novel Award in 1987.
5.His later novels, including Amsterdam, Atonoment  and Saturday  have been  very successful.
6.Amsterdam received the Booker Prize for Fiction in 1998.
7.Atonement and Saturday have also won literarry prizes.
8.However, Mc Ewan has always been a controversial writer.
9.Some writers  accused  him of stealing details in Atonoment from the work of another author Lucilla Andrews.
10.However, he pointed out the acknowledgement made to Lucilla Andrews in an author's note in the book.
11.During the controversy, the American  author Thomas I'ynchon wrote  a defense of Mc Ewan in a British newspaper.

Big Brother's Watching You

Big Brother's Watching You

A burglar tries to break into a big house in the country.He is walking very quietly across the garden when he hears a voice 'Big Brother is watching you! He is turning around , but he don't see anything .So he is creeping nearer to the house . Suddenly he hears the voice again and he sees a cage hanging from a tree . A parrot . 'Did you say that stuff about Big Brother ?' The parrot answers 'Yes I did .' 'Is that that your name then?' The parrot says 'No , my name is Montmorecy?' The parrot replies ' The sama stupid idiot who named his Rottwelier 'Big Brother' that 's the guard dog that stands right behind you!

1.They say Harry is a very good card player.
2.I understand this maths problem .
3.I agree with you.
4.Anna is working in the garden.

Page 8, Exercise 2

15 Tiptree 
CV29 7AL

Friday, 15th October

Hi everyone,

I'm having problems getting a new phone connection were, so instead of sending e-mails as usual, I'm actually sitting down to write a letter.
I imagine you'll be surprised to get this as I 've never been much of a letter-writer. I put the return address in big letters at the top , because to tell you te truth I begin to feel quite lonely here.
Well , perhaps * I don't mean* that exactly . There are plenty of people for me to talk to.In fact, I settle in to student life quite well, but I don't really know anyone yet.I've got a room in a house a long time on the bus.A lot of students are here cycling , so I'm trying to find a cheap bike , and I'm also thinking of moving nearer  to college when I find somewhere.Sorry - an interruption , someone is knocking at the door. More later . Later. One of the girls downstairs is having a party , and    I'm invited. And the phone line has been fixed , so I expectyou'll get an e-mail from me very soon! In fact , I'm considering tearing up this letter , so just  ignore everything I've said...

European Traffic Accident Rates Fail To Meet Targets


Although the number of the deaths caused in traffic accidents in the EU a is going down, experts are still trying to find ways of reducing the number throught the EU around 25.000  fatalities per year by 2010.Traffic safety is improving but experts believe that achieving the 2010 goal will prove difficult. Recent statics show that in 2005 in the EU 41.600 people were killed in road accidents. Although progress has been made , most experts agree that this figure will have fallen in only around 32.000 by 2010 , which means that the EU target will be missed by about 7.000. On the other hand , as the amount of traffic is increasing , it is possible to argue that the situation is not really as bad as it looks . However one interprets the statics, it remains true that as time goes on . It is becoming harder and harder to reduce the figures ,especially since accident reduction schemes cost a lot of money. Many countries have tried and failed to reduce the number of accidents , and in the EU as a whole , only Sweden pursues the goal of zero accidents. Accident reduction is more difficult for newer EU members who are currently facing very rapid growth in traffic and having difficulty in building new roads and in introducing safety measures at a fast enough rate . To complicate matters , most new membersare having very little experience in dealing with the demands of heavy traffic.Experts suggest that any safety programme must also set about changing the way drivers behave. Despite what people often say it seems to be the younger generation that causes most accidents . In line with this research , many countries are introducing tougher driving tests and concentrating on the main causes of accidents : speed reckless overtaking , alcohol, and over-confidence. 

Transitive and intransitive exercises


1.The birdcage swung from a golden chain. ( v. i.)
2.Margeret angrily crumpled  *her letter* in her fist.(v.t.)
3.Someone  answered *that  question.* (v.t.)
4.He shuddered with fright during the scary part of the movie.(v. i.)
5.The rats chewed *their way* into the old house.(v.t.)
6.Acorns drop from the trees every fall.( v.i.)
7.Charlie combed *his hair* nervously before the dance.(v.t.)
8.We bought *paper napkins* for the picnic.(v.t.)
9.Zelda smiled at the tought of a parade in the snow.(vi.)
10.Fish and potatoes sizzled in the pan.(v.i.)

Tricky transitives exercises :

1.You wash  the vegetables and I'll dry *them*
2.Are you ready to order *pizza*.
3.Do you drink  *something*?
4.Who scored *a basket*?
5.It's your turn to *deal with them*.
6.I'll weedand you can water *it*.

Text Icluding Three Types of Tense

Tuberculosis, MTB, or TB (short for tubercle bacillus), in the past also called phthisis, phthisis pulmonalis, or consumption, is a widespread, and in many cases fatal, infectious disease caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis.[1] Tuberculosis typically attacks the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body. It is spread through the air when people who have an active TB infection cough, sneeze, or otherwise transmit respiratory fluids through the air.[2] Most infections do not have symptoms, known as latent tuberculosis. About one in ten latent infections eventually progresses to active disease which, if left untreated, kills more than 50% of those so infected.

The classic symptoms of active TB infection are a chronic cough with blood-tinged sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss (the latter giving rise to the formerly common term for the disease, "consumption"). Infection of other organs causes a wide range of symptoms. Diagnosis of active TB relies on radiology (commonly chest X-rays), as well as microscopic examination and microbiological culture of body fluids. Diagnosis of latent TB relies on the tuberculin skin test (TST) and/or blood tests. Treatment is difficult and requires administration of multiple antibiotics over a long period of time. Social contacts are also screened and treated if necessary. Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem in multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) infections. Prevention relies on screening programs and vaccination with the bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine.
Daha az göster  ·  Çevir

Further Exercises On Parellelisim

1.We must either raise revenues or reduce expenses.
2.Stoics deny the importance of such things as wealth , goog looks, and good reputation.
3.The General praised his soldiers for their unsurpassed courage, and gave thanks because of their devotion in his farewell address to the army.
4.The crowd that had gathered outside the court was loud and angry.
5.The police have a duty to serve the community , safeguard lives and property,protect the innocent against deception , and respect the constituonal rights of all.
6.Sir Humphry Davy , the celebrated English chemist , was an excellent literarycritic as well as he was a great scientist.
7.The Johnsons were cheerful , knowledgeable and generous traveling companions.
8.The delegates spent the day arguing withone another rather than working together to find common solutions.
9.My sister's promotion means that she will move to another state and take the children with her.
10.A company is not only responsible to its shareholders but also cstomers and employees.
11.Examples of aerobic exercises are running , swimming ,cycling , and long walks distance.
12.Consuming too much of a fat-soluble  vitamin can be as harmful as consuming not enough.
13.The gyrocompass not only points to true north at all times ,but it is unaffected y external manetic fields as well.
14.Everything that could make a sound was either removed or taped down.
15.The new instructor was both enthusiastic and demanding.
16.Annie's dress was old, faded and wrinkled.
17.By the time she was two , the child was not only ative but also well coordinated.
18. It is atourism that giving is more rewarding than getting.
19.A battery powered by aluminium is simple to design , clean to run , and inexpensive to produce.

Chinese New Year

The biggest and  most popular of all Chinese  festivals which is The Chinese New Year , is an exciting and colorful holiday falling anywhere between January 21 and February 19.The New Year is celebrated by Chinese people all over the world , they parade through the streets and set off fireworks.People pay visits to friends they wish them luck and prosperity with a greeting that means 'happy greetings , and may you gather wealth.'On the final day of the year preparations are made for a great New Year's Eve supper. All doors are sealed with paper strips, and no one may leave or enter the next morning.Business are close for days. After the new year begins, children receive presents of mone in red envelopes  no wonder they look forward to this festival.

Animal Cares In Zoos

The earliest known zoo was the Park of Intelligence in the province of Hunan. It was started by a Chinese ruler about 1150 B.C. Today zoo facilities are limited and zookeepers annot keep every animalon display year round in the winter in colder climates. Most birds must be brought indoors , but zookeepers cannot always keep each bird on view for the public. Many visitors are surprised to see that some animals remain outside all year. Penguins , polar bears , and timber wolves are happy outdoors  in wintertime. Some animals are always indoors in nothern areas ; for example, reptiles and small desert animals always have indoor displays.Zookeepers must provide indoor shelters for large animals such as elephants how large tohse shelters must be! Today zoologistsunderstand much more about animal behaviour and zoos are being designed that are similar to the animal's natural habitats .Viewers can closely observe animals at animal parks , animals roam free. Zoo kitchens keep a varity of foods and these are used to prepare meals that meet each animal's nutritional needs. Zoo contribute to wildlife conversation ; for example, they nurture species that are in danger of becoming.extinct.


1.What great shape she's in, and how she looks healthy!
2.The doctor wanted to find out why Linda was underweight and how about her blood sugar level is.
3.Following a regular program of exercise is more beneficial for me than following a fad diet.
4.What I like best about my fitness  center is the modern Lifecycle machines, they have such a beautiful Olympic size swimming pool.
5.Not only is Jim healthy , but also athletic he is.
6. Due to his son's persistence and losing 10 pounds , Frank decided to join a fitness center.
7.When Richard realized that his eating habits were the cause of his illness , he began to plan his meals more conscientiously.
8.Julian decided to try a homeopathic treatment , so he changed his diet.
9.Shari really enjoys ocean kayaking and going hiking in the desert.
10.This is a combination of vitamins that build up the immune system and it prevents infetion from spreading.