19 Ocak 2015 Pazartesi

Rewrite Reflection Task 2B

In this reflection you will get some information about my favorite TV serial 'Modern Family'. Created by Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan, Modern Family which has been broadcasted from 2009 is a kind of comedy serial.Moreover, it  is a mockumentary and in some of its scenes, actors speak directly to the camera.As understood from the title, family which is shown in the serial is modern and director tries to reflect good model of the todays family. In this serial there are three different families in terms of relation between couples. In the first family there is a man 'Jay' who is married with a young woman 'Gloria' who has a son 'Many' from her ex-husband.Jay and Gloria love each other.Jay acts as if he is biological father of Many. He doesn't behave like a bad step father to Many.In second family parents are Claire daughter of Jay and Phil.They have three children whose names are Haley, Alex and Luke and although these children are totaly diffrent from each other in character Claire and Phil are good , supportive and idealist parents.They tries to do best for their children and actually they can overcome domestic problems with their love.Last family consists of gay couple.Mitchell boy of Jay and Cameron adopt one girl from Vietnam. Other members of big family don't oppose their relation and adopted girl ;on the contrary, they support their adoption. That's why director calls the serial 'modern' and tries to show modern and strong family bond.The first part of the serial was wathced 12.61 million people and later it has contiunes this success, also Modern Family is the favorite TV serial of Barack Obama.Moreover, this serial has won several Emmy Awards like Best Comedy Series,Best Supporting Actor Of  All Comedy Series, Best Supporting Actress Of All Comedy Series. Besides, it has Golden Globe Award. That's why I chosed this series.Whenever watch any of its part I absolutely laugh with laughter.It is really funny. I like its this point but I don't like few things ; for examlpe, society takes the gay couple normaly and this may encourage people to become like this couple because they are in a good communication and they are shown like that they have almost no problem in their relationship , everything is okay.Neverthless, all of them are respectful to each other and they support each other in bad times. They reflect real love with their smiles or hugs not with sexual scenes.It is suitable for people of all ages. This may be instructive with this aspect.I am still continuing to watch it eagerly and I advise all of you to watch it for fun.

18 Ocak 2015 Pazar

Rewrite Reflection Task 1B


Dear readers today I will mention Şahika Ercüman. She is a free-diving record holder.Şahika Ercüman born in Çanakkale in 1985 ;therefore,  she met with water at an early age. When she was twelf years old she joined underwater team and then she took the first step to her career. Actually, she had an allergic asthma but whenever she dived she has never suffered.Water is her life. She graduated from Başkent University as a dietician.She has been interested in various underwater sports for fifteen years.She got the degree in Freediving World Championships in Spain and she  broke the record for  Turkey in 2006. In 2008 she has been third in Europe with Turkey Underwater Hockey National Team.She won the Turkey championship in free-diving branch in 2010.Şahika covered a distance of 110 meters with single breath  under the ice. Şahika has broken the Horizontal Diving World Record in both women and men  in Austria in 2011. Previous records for women and men were 70 and 108 meters. She  reached 70 meters in the branch of vertical diving in 10th November 2011 and on the same day she dived 60 meters without palette in this way she has broken two world records again.In this summer she won two world records again. She is very intelligent, successful and helpful woman and sportwoman. She manages lots of social responsibility project. In addition to the athletes personality, she is motivation and success speaker,TV shows server,advertising film and movie player,freediving ınstructor. I think she deserves being more recognized. In addition to world record she has won more than hundred medals, several special awards, trophies, many of Turkey Record thanks to her diving passion.Moreover, she tries to actualize her trial runs and records in special waters. I think she will win more awards and world records in next years.



17 Ocak 2015 Cumartesi

Rewrite Reflection Task 3


If I was a jury member of the committee choosing the person of the year , my chose would be Angelina Jolie. She is from Los Angeles,USA. She is actress. She is 39 years old.  Angelina has won three Golden Globes ,two Screen Actors Guild Award and Oscar.  The most important thing to be known about her is that she is goodwill ambassador of United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR). She played in lots of cinema movie. Angelina's first film was Lookin'to Get Out where his father played also. She won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress with her great performance in İnterrupted (1999). In 2001 ,enabling great success with  Lara Croft: Tomb Raider she became world famous well-known actor. Then she became one of the most recognized and one of the highest paid-player in Hollywood. Apart from her cinema actress, she made dubbling  and she got commercial gain. She has adopted three children from diffrent countries although she is mother of her biological children. Now I want to talk about her helpfulness. As I said above , she is known her charitable works. She went to diffrent war and poor region like Sierra Leone,Tanzania,Pakistan ,Chad,Thailand ,Afghanistan etc. to see the conditions  and raise awareness. She visited refugee camps and made money donations lots of times. She supports 27 different charity with his partner 'Brad Pitt'.She values  human rights, children's rights, health, AIDS, poverty, post-disaster assistance, world peace, cancer, environment. Angelina Jolie is very helpful , compassionate ;that's why, she deserves to become the person of the year.

Rewrite Reflection Task 2A

 When we shoot a glance , we can easily see that almost everybody checks their cell phones or laptops in order to sure whether they've got message, mail or notification  from ,which is unavoidable fact in our globalising world. Thus , we're under control of the social media.Some sites like facebook, twitter , instagram , youtube etc. have high importance for people ;that's why, I wanted to mention about this topic.
 Social media has powerful impacts on both people and society ;however , it has bad and good effects. Some bad sides are there : Social media invades our personal informations. Every second, thousands of people share their photos via the facebook , instagram and other sites but companies use these photos without permission.Not only companies do it but also some people use them for their profits. These sites creates huge sadness, loneliness, dissatisfaction because they block face-to face communication.People suppose that they are in good communication but one thing they do is socalled talking with technological devices. People are so addicted to social media that they put also their  every strange and stupid photos on facebook , twitter, instagram , whatsup any more . They are not aware of seriousness of this situation but this doesn't welcome by a lot of people. Many employers are already rejecting job applicants for this reason.In order to decrease rates of addiction to social media we put some limits ourselves.Instead following lots of sites people use  two or three of them.Other solution is instructive conferences can be given by psychologists and expert trainers to increase awareness of the importance of this situation.  On the other hand , social media have lots of positive effects. Marketing via social media is at the top. In every sites there are lots of online shop store, which stimulate the some markets.  People can make new friends around the world easily.If you are interested in some kind of music , play etc. you can find lots of groups or communities about them.If you are far away from your home , you have the chance to do video chat your family, friends. Moreover , much of what people need to know are available in there. To conclude , social media surrounds our lives and it is irreplaceable thing. Altough it causes some kind of bad habits or tiny psychological problems , it is important part of our life. What we need to is to be aware of its bad sides and be careful.

Video Task / Two Broke Girls - Grammer Exercises


1. If I knew we were gonna have staff meetings after work , I ......................( take ) job at T.G.I. Friday instead.

2. We need ........... (take ) it seriously.

3. I thought he ........ (be) a dj.

4. This meatloaf ...............(taste) stale and dry.

5. I .................... (work) here when you were still a dumpling on your father's chopsticks.

6. What? So sorry , I couldn't understand a word you .......(say).

7. I am on break until he................. (apologize)


1. Remind me never to be a spy with Han.

2. You are lying.

3. Can we get to the point?

4. You must wear sleeves.

5. Do not tell me what to do.

6. Why does cashier wear earphones?


1. Over there, they roll fastand loose.

2. We received so many excellent comments from customers tonight.

3. Max, customers are giving their honest opinions about dinner.

4. We need to take it seriously.

5. A hug would help.

6. You did.

7. That little man disrespects me.



1. would have taken
2. to take
3 .was
4. tastes
5. was working
6. said
7. apologizes


1. Imperative sentence
2. Declarative sentence
3. Interrogative sentence
4. Declaratice sentence
5. Imperative sentence
6. Interrogative sentence


1. Intransitive verb
2. Transitive verb
3. Transitive verb
4. Transitive verb
5. Intransitive verb
6. Intransitive verb
7. Transitive verb

Textual Analysis

If you fancy getting (gerund) a new look with a difference this party season, head to Japan where (relative clause)  one hairstylist is offering free cuts, providing (conditional) he can (modal verb) do whatever ( noun clause) he wants to your hair.( Tense Function : to express an offer )

It’s a bold move (present continuous tense)  but the barber in Tokyo is offering ( continuous tense ) drastic makeovers for those daring (reduction of relative clause) enough to take the snip.(Tense Funtion: to express generalization )

The event is part of a promotion ( p. continuous tense ) for chocolate snack Snickers and anything goes (simple present) from crazy colour to crazy cuts.(Tense function: to express process)

The customers don’t seem (simple present) too fazed, as this guy said ( simple past ) he was really excited ( simle past ) to see what it would look like. (Tense Function: to  express thoughts , feelings )

The company behind what  is now being called the crazy barbershop ( noun clause ) say many people has taken advantage of the relaxed feeling at the end of the year.( Tense Function : to express thoughts )

“It’s the Christmas season ( continuous tense ) and many of our customers say( reported speech ) they want to cheer up their parties or make themselves stand out from the crowd.”(Tense Function: to express thoughts )

While being different can be fun, it might not be ( modal verb) so great if you get fired( conditional), as many companies in Japan have rules regulating certain hairstyles.(Tense Function: to refer to general truths )

Difficult words: fancy (to want), head (to go), providing (on the condition that), bold (risky), daring (brave), snip (cut), fazed (worried), regulating (controlling).

Source: www.ondemandnews.com

Read more: http://www.newsinlevels.com/products/crazy-barbershop-in-tokyo-level-3/

The tone of the text : It is informative because it gives some information about crazy barbershop in Tokyo. 

Language Use : In most of the text , present simple and present continuous tenses are used. Also reported speech is used. For example :

“It’s the Christmas season  and many of our customers say they want to cheer up their parties or make themselves stand out from the crowd.”

Commenton the text:

This text is about crazy barbershop in Tokyo. The authors gives some interesting information actually which  isn't known by lots of people. The author uses lots of present simple tense and continuous tense. Past tense isn't used  many times and just few times reported speech şs used. The text is very easy to understand and the information is reliable because the author explains them with their causes. 

16 Ocak 2015 Cuma

Anger Management Task

The story started when the young Dave Buznik was about to receive his first kiss from his childhood crush. Suddenly some bullies humiliates him by pulling his pans down.He feels so bad himself because everybody laughs him ,but he doesn't show his emotions.He keeps his emotions silent. After years he starts to work in company but nothing is okay again. He is still introvert person. He can't get promote because his boss is so strict. He has girl friend who ,unlike dave, is easygoing person and has successful career.Dr. Rydell is a therapist.  When he flies for business meeting , something bad happens  to him again. While flying for business meeting , Buddy Rydell sits next to Daveand he disturbing Dave by asking him to watch the movie together. Buddy insists on asking. Dave asked headset from stewardess but she ignores him. When he ask again, he hold her arms and stewardess misunderstands him. Then, some bad things occur and Dave becomes angry. Then he is sent to court and he sentences to take anger management therapy. Then , Buddy Rydell who is therapist starts to live him. As a jury member , I think Dave is not guilty but he is the victim of the people who can't control their emotions and overreact. Since he is unable to express himself properly he is sentenced. I think it is unnecessary. Taking some courses or going few times to counselors could be more useful and enough. Overcoming just this problem will be enough for him.